
Tradeb0t provides abstract classes for trading algorithms. It is designed to make it possible to reuse the same code for different exchanges.

Main functionality

You just need to implement 3 main methods:

  • main - main method of the algorithm. It is called every time when the algorithm is executed.
  • resume - method that is called when the algorithm is resumed after the pause.
  • stop - method that is called in order to stop the algorithm.

Storage utils

AbstractAlgorithm class also provides the following methods for saving specific state of the algorithm to storage:

  • commitStart - saves the state of the algorithm before the main method is called.
  • commitContinue - saves the state of the algorithm after it is resumed.
  • commitFinish - saves the state of the algorithm after it is successfully finished.
  • commitError - saves the state of the algorithm after error occured.

Class diagram